NIFTY had guest speakers Nancy and Mike Richardson, owners/operators of Whitetail Fly Tieing Supplies located at 36 Kane Street, Geneva, IL 60134. Phone number is 630-402-0423. They discussed how to correctly select fly tying materials (with an emphasis on natural materials), the care and maintenance of them, etc. Great product, great knowledge! If they don't have it, you will leave with something comparable or better. After you visit - go wet a line in the Fox River.
NIFTy Fly Tying Chairman Dick Dragiewicz visited Whitetail Fly Tieing Supplies back in June 2014 and had this to say;
On Sunday afternoon I visited/shopped at the Whitetail Fly Tieing Supplies shop in Geneva, IL.
Whitetail Fly Tieing Supplies was formerly owned and operated by Chris Helm and was located in or near Toledo, OH. Its now located in Geneva, IL.
I was really impressed with the shop and all of its fly tying materials....I think it has more of everything than any other shop I've ever been to. Nancy and Mike Richardson (owners) say they have more than 8,000 items in their inventory, that's a lot of fly tieing items.
Great layout, well organized, easy to find what you want; its the place to get all of your fly tieing materials. Catalog is online at www.whitetailflytieing.com Be sure to check it out and do your shopping at Whitetail Fly Tieing Supplies.
Call or send an email before going to the shop to make sure its open.
P.S. When you go there park in the driveway that's accessed from Oak Street.
NIFTy Member Dick Dragiewicz
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