Fly Tying Demonstration by: NIFTY Member Bob Hovet
Demonstration Date is
Tonight’s Fly:
Carrie Stevens
Materials (list
materials in the order they are tied on the hook)
- Hook: Orvis/Daiichi Dick Talleur 2370 7XL #2 or (see below)
- Thread: White Danville 6/0 AND black Danville 6/0 or UTC if preferred, recommend do not use Uni-Thread
- Tail: None
- Tag: Med silver tinsel
- Rib: Med silver tinsel
- Body: Orange floss (4strands of Danville Rayon) tied thin
- Belly: Sparse white bucktail
- Throat: Golden pheasant crest feather as long as shoulder, curving upward
- Underwing: 4-6 peacock herls preferably from stick (tips unbroken)
- Wing: 4 olive saddle hackles; length should be about 1 hook gap past rear of hook.
- Shoulder: Wood duck dyed mallard flank 1/3 as long as wing
- Cheek: Jungle Cock eye cemented to close any splits.
- **Wing, shoulder, cheek may be tied in individually or assembled, glued and tied in as a unit
- Head: Black thread
About the
Rangeley Streamers are from the Rangeley Lakes
region of Maine mainly from the early 20th century. The most famous series is from Carrie
Stevens. Other noteworthy tyers are Bert Quimby, Herbert Welch. Originally intended for Rangeley area brook trout
and landlocked salmon. Today they are used any time a baitfish type fly is
desired. Fish in typical streamer
fashion, down and across. (Kelly Galloup
has the Gray Ghost in his list of flies in Modern Streamers for Trophy Trout;
see his book for a deep, sinking line presentation).
HOOKS: Stevens typically used Allcock hooks in what appear to be 6 to 8XL. Current hooks suitable for these flies include:
Daiichi 2370, a 7XL, 3XH, tapered loop eye,
limerick bend designed by Dick Talleur; also sold by Orvis.
Gaelic Supreme Rangeley Streamer, either 8XL 2XH,
or 6XL std wire, or 10XL 3XH, sproat bend down eye designed by Mike Martinek.
Partridge CS15, 10XL heavy wire Mustad L87-3665, a 7XL, 3XH limerick bend down eye
TMC 300, a 6XL heavy wire, sproat bend down eye.
The Mustad and TMC are probably the most practical
for fishing due to more reasonable lengths and wider hook gap; they are the
least expensive. The sizes generally
range from #1 to #8; specific availability varies with the model selected.
Tying Instructions:
Skills/Techniques used in the pattern. Select a technique used in tying this pattern and fully explain it.
Use of 6xl to 10xl length hooks.
Complex wing construction.
Setting feather wings at 10 and 2.
Wrapping floss body.
Instructions for unglued wing assembly.
Place hook in vise.
Be sure to tighten vise on hook as tightly as you can. Thread leverage on long hooks tends to pull it
out of place more than on a standard length.
Start white thread at 2-3 eye widths behind eye and
wind thread base to above the point, flattening thread as you wind back.
Wind thread forward about 5 tinsel widths. Trim mylar to a point. Tie in with silver
side against hook where thread hangs and
wrap back to end of thread windings.
Wrap thread to front, flattening as you go.
Tie in 4 strands orange floss on top of hook and
wrap back to just where tinsel is tied in, flattening as you go. Wrap thread back to front, flattening as you
Wrap floss forward to tie in point and secure with
2 half hitches; trim.
Wrap tag with abutting turns of tinsel up to back
of floss body, then begin wrapping forward as a rib.. Tie off with 2 half
hitches and trim.
Cut sparse amount of white bucktail from upper part
of tail (to minimize flaring). Tie in on bottom of hook (glue if desired)
making sure fibers stay on bottom of hook.
Length should extend almost to inner rear of hook gap. Trim butts on
angle and wrap; return thread to bucktail tie in point.
Tie in golden pheasant crest feather as long as
shoulder (1/3 of wing length). It should curve upward. Tie under the bucktail.
Flatten stem with pliers or tweezers if needed. Trim butt and return thread to
tie in point.
Tie in peacock herl on top of hook; avoid having
them flare upwards. They should extend 1 hook gap beyond back of hook. Trim and
wrap to tie in point.
Tie off white thread. Attach black thread.
**Tie in 2 saddle feathers on far side of hook at
the 2 o’clock position as you face the eye of the hook. Capture just a few of the fibers with the
thread. Make only 2 wraps of thread to
hold in place.
Tie in the other 2 saddle feathers on near side of
hook at the 10 o’clock position. Manipulate feathers as needed, then begin more
wraps with most tension on the thread as you pull up. Wings should extend
approx. 1 hook gap beyond back of hook (same as herl). Trim butts
Tie in mallard flank with center stem over-lying
center stems of hackles. Try to capture just 2-3 fibers at tie in point. Again,
start with minimal loose wraps and tighten with upward wraps as you wrap
slightly forward. Trim butts. Return thread to shoulder tie in point.
Tie in jungle cock eyes with center over-lying
center stems of shoulders/saddle hackles. Use loose initial wraps, align, trim
butts and finish with tight upward wraps.
Complete head making sure to cover all stem
material that may be showing thru. Whip
finish. Finish with something to make a glossy head.
instructions for glued wing assemblies:
Glue can be rubber cement, thickened Sally Hansen
or flexament. Need to use thick glue to
avoid a thinner glue wicking up into feather fibers.
After putting hook in vise (for length reference),
gather saddle hackles, mallard flanks and jungle cock eyes and prepare to
proper length.
Fix any splits in JC with glue.
Select 1 pair of hackles and put small amount glue
along inner center stems, press together.
Put small amount of glue on outer saddle hackle
center stems and press on shoulder.
Put small amount of glue on back of JC eye and
press onto the shoulder center stem.
All center stems should be aligned. Put small amount of glue on inner surfaces of
each saddle hackle.
You will need to experiment, as I am still doing,
with letting the glue dry at the various steps to avoid carry over.
**Alternate wing mount of assembled (glued)
wings. Attach at 10 and 2 as described
above. Press wings together.
Streamer Fly Tying and Fishing: Joseph D. Bates Jr
Streamers and Bucktails, the Big Fish Flys: Joseph
D. Bates Jr
Carrie G. Stevens Maker of Rangeley Favorite Trout
and Salmon Flies: Graydon and Leslie Hilyard
Tying Classic Freshwater Streamers: David
Traditional Streamers and Bucktails: Don Bastian
Classic Maine Streamers: Mike Martinek, Jr.
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