Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Flatwing Streamer

Materials (list materials in the order they are tied on the hook)
  • Hook: 1/0 Eagle Claw L253
  • Thread: White Uni-Thread 3/0
  • Flat Wing Base: White Bucktail from Base of Tail
  • Wing: Olive Flatwing Hackle
  • Body: Bill’s Bodi-Braid or Equivalent
  • Belly: White Bucktail from Upper Middle of the Tail
  • Middle Wing: Yellow Bucktail from Upper Middle of the Tail
  • Flash: 3 to 4 Strands
  • Over Wing: Olive Bucktail from Upper Middle of the Tail
  • Peacock Hurl: 7 Strands
  • Wax
  • Eyes: Jungle Cock
  • Head: White Tread with Head Cement
About the Fly:

This style of tying incorporates the use of saddles hackles tied in flat along the hook shank and the notion of combining various colors to achieve the desired look in a fly.
The style was developed by Kenney Abrams, an east coast striper fisherman, who needed a way to tie striped bass flies that had lots of movement and reflected the way baitfish actually look in the water. The result of his efforts was the Flatwing style of tying.
Primary patterns in different sizes are used to imitate sand lance, pacific herring and sculpin. The flies fish well on a floating or clear intermediate line.
Tying Demo Site by Joe Cordiero:
Techniques for Tying Flat Wing Flies Joe Cordiero:
Flatwing Hackle Source:

Tying Instructions:

1. Tie in a thread base from the hook eye to the point of the hook.
2. Take sparse bundle of White Bucktail from the base of the tail and pull out short hair. Hair at the tail is hollow and will flare better than hair at top of tail. Length of the hair should be 2 hook lengths and cut at a 45° angle. Hold hair at an angle, tie in on top of hook then flatten with thumb.
3. Take Flatwing Hackle and cut stem where there is a dramatic change in the size of the stem. Pull off small amount of fluff at stem and save.
4. Loosely dub the fluff on the thread. Bring thread vertical and push fluff down to top of fly. Take one wrap to create a pillow on the top of fly.
5. Tie Flatwing Hackle concave side down on the top of fly and take one wrap to hold in place.
6. Tie body Braid in at Hook Point and wrap thread to eye creating a tapered front body.
7. Wrap braid to front of hook and tie in one hook eye back.
8. Take small clump of White Bucktail from the upper middle of the tail and tie in on bottom of hook back one eye length.
9. Take Yellow Bucktail as in Step 8 and tie in over the Flatwing Hackle.
10. Double over 3 to 4 strands of flash over yellow Bucktail and tie in. Flash should extent just past Flatwing Hackle.
11. Tie in Olive Bucktail as in Step 8 & 9 on the top of Fly.
12. Tie in 7 strands of Peacock Hurl on top of Fly. Peacock should extend just past the Flatwing Hackle.
13. Take two Jungle Cock eyes and Drag across wax so the can be tied in easier. Tie in Jungle Cock eyes on each side of Fly.
14. Finish head and coat with Heat Cement.

This fly was demonstrated by NIFTy member Doug Magno. 

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