Tuesday, June 04, 2013

NIFT One Fly Contest

Northern Illinois Fly Tyer members met at Lily Lake in Lakemoor, IL for the annual One Fly contest. A total of 10 members competed in this event which was led by NIFT member Pete Havlin. The winners were decided by the total measurement of fish caught while using only one fly until the end of tournament. First place winner was Bill Greenwald with a total of 361 inches of fish caught using a beetle pattern. Second place winner was Jeff Kennedy with 223 inches using a Fox Squirrel pattern. Third place winner was Mel Robinson with 160 inches measured using a chartruese caddis pattern. Other fly patterns used were black spider, bead-headed prince nymph, foam beetle, white spider, white popper and green foam popper. Prizes will be awarded at our next meeting. Thanks to Jeff Kennedy & Mel Robinson for submitting pictures.

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