Saturday, March 24, 2007

Make plans to attend the Nifty Casting Clinic 07!!!

Getting your fly to the fish may be the single most important factor in determining your success as a fly fisher. Fly casting is a life-long pursuit; forever challenging, forever learning, forever improving…

Join our very own casting experts Paul Melchior and Joseph Meyer for a free session designed to help you improve your fly casting, and thus fly fishing success. Our program will have something for everyone. Beginners will work on developing good form, while more advanced casters may wish to work on refining a particular aspect of there casting stroke. Basic Spey casting instruction will be available.

When: Saturday April 28th, 2007 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Where: Panton Mill Park on the Fox River, South Elgin, IL (map will be provided). This location offers easy access, plenty of parking, lots of room, and comfortable wading.

What: The Nifty Casting Clinic will include a beginner/intermediate session, customized instruction for more advanced casters, and basic Spey casting instruction. This is a hands on, question and answer, audience participation event.

Refreshments, lunch, and a raffle will be included.

After lunch we will have a casting game with prizes.

What to bring: 5-7wt. fly rod, reel, and leader (yarn to be used as practice fly will be provided), 2-handed rod if you have one, waders (we will be going in the river), hat, and sunglasses.

This section of river can provide good fishing for Smallmouth Bass, Walleye, Carp, and Catfish. You may want to bring some flies along and fish after the clinic. Don’t forget your license!

If you have any questions regarding this event please feel free to contact Corey or Paul . Hope to see you there!!!

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